Now that it is summer time, and summer break from work I am spending more time at home with Connor. I have been overheard telling people that my summer plans involve being a "free spirit" and basically doing whatever I want all day long. Of course this is kinda difficult with a rather independent thinking 2-year old. I should revise...we basically do what ever Connor wants all day long. Thus, this is my favorite activity of the day...
Usually once a day, at random times Connor decides he would like to do some independent reading. (In fact, I think I just might sign him up for one of those free summer reading contests where you count the number of books you read and win all kinds of fabulous freebies. I think he might blow those 8-year
olds right out of the water.) This reading activity basically involves taking each book out of the book cabinet, one at a time, and flipping through each page. It takes between 25-45 minutes. Thus, this is exactly how long I have each day to be a "free spirit." If this occurs in the morning, I chill on the couch, drink a huge cup of coffee, and basically try to pull myself together for the day (I am NOT a morning person). If this occurs later in the day, then I read the most recent novel off of my summer reading list, paint my toenails, or something equally as mindless.
Occasionally this occurs right at dinner time. Now, I know that dinner time is supposed to involve some high quality family together-
ness including
all members of the family. But please, just trust me on this one...when a 2-year old wants some alone reading time YOU. JUST. LET. HIM. BE.