Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Have I mentioned...

 ...that Connor is in love with his bike this Spring? Well he is. We absolutely MUST go outside every day. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. to ride the bike. He's getting so fast that I can no longer "go for a walk" beside him. I have to jog. I'm probably going to run a marathon this summer. To the park and back 26 times.
The girls have to participate, even though they don't have bikes yet. 
We pretty much give them anything we can find. Apparently baby walkers are still fun.
 Or pushing big brother...
 Or wearing hoods...

 Or playing in the dirt...

 Or the bushes...

Once all this fun is over, Connor usually wants to give each sister a little spin in his race car. Technically there is only a seat for 1 child, but when you really love your sis,
 you can make it work. Obviously.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


There are exponentially more conversations around here these days. First, the girls' favorite thing to do is point out the obvious, which of course HAS to be acknowledged by another person. Here are a few examples:

Ashlyn: Mama School bag
Me: Yes, that is my school bag. (must be said or the above will play on repeat until someone confirms).
Ashlyn: Connor school bag.
Me: Yes, that's Connor's bag. 
Ashlyn (super serious/concerned): Connor SCHOOL bag.
Me: Oh right. Yes, that is his SCHOOL bag. Got it. 

Then there is the ever so helpful watchful eye of a sibling:
Kaia (screaming from the other room): NO NO NO, Ashes. Ashes TIME OUT! 
That's never a good sign. I walk into the other room to find this:

Thanks for the tip, sis. Yes, they have achieved tattle tailing. Already. Awesome.

They have some cute little phrases too. One of my favs is, "I did it!" (which also has to be acknowledged, preferably immediately. Obviously).

Last but not least, we recently had a good preschool carpool conversation from Connor & Jake:
Connor: Jake! You'll never believe what we did this weekend!
Jake: What?
Connor: My Uncle had a birthday party! His name is Scott. Everyone was REALLY excited to see me there, especially Lauren. She's my cousin. It was really, really, REALLY fun, until we had to leave. Then it wasn't fun at all.
Jake: Oh. I REALLY love Birthday parties.
Connor: ME TOO!!

(*Note: we are really glad that the party guests are boosting Connor's self-esteem.)