I asked Connor what he thought Santa might bring him, and apparently he has some specific ideas for Santa in regards to the whole family...
Me: What do you think Santa will bring you this year, Connor?
C: Toys and Puzzles
Me: Do you think Santa will bring anything for Daisy?
C: Yes, Pajamas! Daisy, do you want Santa to bring you pajamas? Uh Oh, she said "NO!"
Me: Maybe that's because Daisy doesn't wear clothes...?
C: No, she said yes. SHE SAID YES!
Me: Umm okay. What should Santa bring Daddy?
C: Puzzles. TWO puzzles.
Me: Do you think Daddy likes to do puzzles?
C: Yes!
Me: What should Santa bring me this year?
C: Legos!
Me: Hum, that sounds fun.
C: And you can share with ME!
(Is is just me or do all these gifts all sound suspiciously perfect for a certain 2.5 year old that I know??)