The other day as the girls were having some trouble sharing, which is such a rarity (insert sarcastic font here) Connor pipes up, "Oh no! That is called Mine-itis, and BOTH of my sisters HAVE IT!" Now, I am afraid to report that they have also contracted another dreaded disorder, "Monkey-see, Monkey-do-itis."
This sort of disorder comes in the most dreaded version: 1 year old
twins. Obviously trying anything that might be curious, slightly
dangerous, and definitely mischievous is way WAY more fun with a
side-kick. In fact, it even comes in a 4-year old version occasionally.
When this occurs, I tell said 4-year old that "he knows better" to which
he replies, "Nuh-uh. It's my sisters! They are teaching me bad habits!" (insert sounds of parents slowly going insane).
Oh well, at least bath time is still happy time:)