Today at Preschool drop off:
Ashlyn: Mom, can you sing all the Frozen song words for us while we are gone at school?
Me: Yep, I think I can handle that job.
Kaia: Make sure you sing all the Elsa parts for me!
Me: Got it.
Ashlyn: And all the Anna parts for me! Oh, and make sure you sing in your pretty singing boice. Not that really loud one.
Me: I will sing in my most beautiful singing voice. All the parts, while you are gone. LIKE. ITS. MY. JOB.
Ashlyn: Okay, fanks Mom. Now we can go to school, Kaia.
So, now I know. They don't like my all-in-all-emotions-laid-on-the-table-singing-boice (that I mostly do for their benefit).
And a little story about Connor. This week it was apparently Connor's turn to pick out a book from home to read in front of his class. I knew nothing of this assignment, except what Connor reported. No note, no directions. Just Connor saying, "Oh, Mom. I need to pick out a book to read for tomorrow. To my whole class. What should I pick?" {Connor's reading teacher likes to give the responsibility solely to the first graders to remember tasks such as this. She does not want overly involved parents taking responsibility for tasks their children can manage on their own. This, I learned on about month 2 of the school year, and boy has she whipped me right into shape! And Connor too.} We looked through the books together, while I asked 1001 questions:
Me: How long should it be?
Connor: I don't know.
Me:Well, how long will you read?
Connor:Maybe for like 10 minutes.
Me: (really?!) Okay, lets keep looking. A chapter book?
Connor: NO. Something that I can read all the way to the end in 10 minutes.
Me: Hum...okay. What did the other kids read?
Connor:Well, one girl read a book about Father's Day.
Me: Okay, that narrows it down. (not at all). How about the other kids?
Connor: I can't remember.
So, we finally settled on a cute little book, with funny sound effects, and a nice story called "Froggy gets a Doggy." Connor practiced reading it once, and kinda chuckled to himself at the funny parts. I thought his class would love it!
Soooooo, he comes home and I ask about his reading. Apparently the class laughed so hard that the teacher got mad and everyone "got in trouble."
Me: Seriously?
Connor: Well, that part where froggy has to go get the pooper scooper (he laughs again so hard he can barely talk)!!!!!
Me: So, did you finish reading it?
Connor: Yea, but I was laughing so hard, no one could hear me.
So, if you like first grade humor, apparently it was a hit! I'm sure his no-nonsense teacher was thrilled. At least I know she won't blame it on me, since it is Connor's responsibility and all.