Saturday, May 30, 2009

Splish, Splash!

Connor loves him some bath time...can you tell? In case you can't get the full effect from the pictures, let me assure you that bath time involves lots of motor boating, splashing in the water and even some "bath crawling"...which is when Connor gets into a full crawl position in order to round up his bath toys. (Note to Safety Police: we only fill up the bath water a few inches so as to avoid drowning our child during the "bath crawling" episodes).

On second thought, maybe he just really, REALLY loves the camera!


  1. WOOO...WOOO...WOOOOO! Safety Police warning!!!! hahaha:)
    "Bath crawling" sounds like tons of fun!!! I just love his mouth full of teeth! Such a GREAT smile!

  2. Um...where is the picture of the bath-crawling? I feel like that is a necessity, if not for now, maybe for a wedding video montage someday... ha!

  3. Mohawk! Mohawk! His fans are calling for a mowawk or spiked bath-time hairdo picture.

    Bath time looks awesome! I wish my tub was big enough for me to bath crawl in...lucky!


  4. Oh my gosh, this child LOVES the camera! Or maybe it's the combo of bath + camera = CHEESEY FACE!
