Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Body Shield

Connor has a number of little "phobias." Last week we went to Red Robin, for example, and he cried/clung to me the ENTIRE time we ate because the Robin was there. He also has "stranger danger." This one, I am actually pretty happy about (it makes taking him to the store a bit easier, because he has no intention of running away).

Let's just say that the vacuum and Connor are not exactly friends. When I vacuum he insists on being up on the bed or couch, apparently so the vacuum cannot get him. Last week while Connor's cousin Lauren was here, I decided to do some vacuuming. The kids were following me around and were in Connor's room while I was in there getting ready to vacuum. As soon as I started the vacuum, Connor ran to Lauren, grabbed her hand, and quickly ushered her OUT of the room. Then he shut the door behind them, leaving me alone in Connor's room with the deadly vacuum. As I continued to vacuum down the hall, Connor blocked Lauren from the vacuum with his body as a shield. The real hilarious thing was that Lauren had absolutely NO idea why he was doing this. Apparently she is not scared of the dreaded vacuum.


  1. She's such a protective guy...his cousin will thank him later when they are teenagers and he's shielding her from boys instead of vacuums.

  2. I totally get Connor's red robin phobia. When I was a kid it was Chuckee Cheese... couldn't stand the guy!!! He freaked me out & I thought all the kids that went up to him to give him hugs & get their picture takes w/ him were weirdos. Even as an adult I get a little "uneasy" when I'm enjoying my burger & out of no where comes that big, red bird. I've found the secret is to NOT make eye contact (tell Connor). Can't a girl eat a burger in peace??? Sheesh!

  3. I also understand Connor's red bird phobia.... People dressed up as animals FREAK ME OUT!


  4. Such a gentleman he is!


  5. Way to look out for your lil' cousin, Connor :)
