Thursday, June 28, 2012

Preschool Carnival

In the last week of May was Connor's last day of Preschool. (Yea, I know this post is a tad bit late. Chasing around two 1-year olds and a 4-year old doesn't leave much time for the blog-o-sphere). Connor's school put on a dog-themed carnival for the kids:
 They sang a few songs for the parents. All the other parents love this, get teary eyed, and take lots of videos. Connor never sings with the group, so I don't bother with the tears or the videos. He will sing the songs later for just me ...if I beg him. Then he tells me, "I don't really like singing with the other kids." Obviously.
 Digging like a dog for his name on a bone...
 Crawling like a dog through the tunnel...
 Showing off his dog ears...
 Posing with his friend Max in the dog house:
Apparently acting like a dog for the day isn't too much of a stretch for this preschooler. 
Arwooo, woo, woo, woof!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Something in common with his grandpa who also prefers not to sing along!
