Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year!

We wish you a very happy 2013! Check out our Favs from 2012.

Favorite Color: Orange
Favorite Toy: All my new Christmas ones (but if you had to pick one...) I can't pick. I really REALLY like all of them. (well, okay then).
Favorite Fruit: Raspberries
Favorite TV Show: All of them (but if you had to pick one...). Well, I do like them all, but maybe Mickey Mouse, I guess.
Favorite Lunch: PBJ
Favorite Snack: Z-bars
Favorite Outfit: OSU jersey & fast pants
Favorite Game: I like all of them (this is sounding like a broken If you had to pick just one...) Okay, Hungry Hungry Hippos
Favorite Animal: Daisy
Best Friends: All of them except "_____" (names two from school who are "mean" - usually plays most with Jake & Cailey) 
Favorite Cereal: Coco Puffs
Favorite Thing to do outside: Swing
Favorite Drink: Milk, oh and Juice, but sometimes I just like water (Alrighty then)
Favorite items to snuggle in bed: My blanket, oh and all my Elmo, Zoe, (names all 8 of them)
What would you have for dinner if it was your birthday & you got to choose? Ummm, how about just some leftovers (Hilarious, because we NEVER EVER have leftovers:)
What do you want to be when you grow up? I really don't know yet. Maybe I will decide that one later after I grow up. (Okay, very logical idea. Earlier in 2012 he has had the ideas of Teacher, Crane Operator, Builder like Daddy, and Doctor)

Kaia & Ashlyn (didn't get interviewed, but I can make some guesses for them):
Favorite Fruit: Oranges
Favorite Toy: Minnie Mouse Shopping Carts, or maybe shoes...those are fun to take off, then put on, then take off, then put on...
Favorite TV Show: Sesame Street or Mickey Mouse
Favorite Snack: Z Bar
Favorite Game: Hide (doesn't matter if there is a "go seek" part or not)
Favorite Hiding place: Hall Closet (its always the same one)
Favorite Items to Snuggle in bed: Lovey Blanket which is falling apart, but still much MUCH loved.

1 comment:

  1. The things kids come up with! I love that Connors favorite friends are all of them EXCEPT & that he would choose leftovers for his birthday dinner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So funny!
