Monday, July 1, 2013

Treasure Hunting

We are really into treasure hunting these days here at Growing Up Cunningham. The interest was sparked by a clever relative who created some treasure maps during our last vacation. Connor insists on treasure hunting multiple times each day. The good news is that ANYTHING can be the "treasure"...sesame street figurines, cars, other toys, food, literally anything. The bad news is that he prefers if an elaborate map is drawn, so he can find the hidden treasure. Thus, I created this little map of our home on the spot, while balancing two other small children. Connor loved it!

 However, Connor's dad was less than impressed. Instead he described in great length how I should create one that is "to scale" and use rulers and stuff. Ummm I don't have time (or two free hands) for that kinds of concentration. He took it upon himself to show me exactly how to do it...
He liked his own version of the map so much he made me multiple copies to use. Great! Now we can literally treasure hunt ALL. DAY. LONG. Next time, I will expect nothing less than an exact replica of our entire home using auto-cad. Oh, and maybe a rendering of the back yard too. To scale, of course.


  1. Casey! That is hilarious!!!!!!

    Great idea to make lots of copies though, ready to go for future treasure hunts.


  2. We like treasure maps at this house but ours aren't as fancy as Casey's! Can he make one for me too?!

  3. Fun idea!!!! I think we will need to try that with Sienna. I bet she'd love it. Maybe Casey needs to make an outdoor treasure map for when we come to visit. ;)
