Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Cunningham Kids Annual Family Birthday Party!

I can't think of a single thing more fun to a bunch of kids than a birthday party. Except maybe a party for three kids. At the same time. "Beach" Themed. That way you have three VERY excited children. In swimsuits. Running. And Screaming. And "waiting" - which is the hardest part, clearly.
Lights, Camera, Cake! We are all set. 
First, I gave Connor the job of greeting the guests with party leis. 
Which was his most favorite job E.V.E.R.
 Next the girls figured out where their gifts were, and started snooping.
 We wore swimsuits, ate, had cake, opened gifts, played with cousins, and THOROUGHLY enjoyed the Cunningham Kids Annual Family Birthday Party!
 Cheers to cousin Scottie, who won the prize for the best beach attire! (a.k.a. The only person over age 6 to dress in traditional beach get-up. Although Scott & I did enjoy commenting on the "beach attire" of everyone else. Apparently a lot of folks like to head to the beach in jeans, romeos, tennis shoes, etc. They must have been headed to a different beach than we were. Who knew?) 

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