Monday, February 9, 2015

The Internet

Have you ever tried to explain The Internet to a 3-year old?

Kaia: Mom, how did you get all of our pictures on that Calendar?
Me: Well, I uploaded them to Costco's website, created the calendar, and then had it printed. Then I went down to the store to pick it up. 
Kaia: But HOW did you get THOSE pictures to the store??
Me: Ummm...well...I sent them through the internet. (At this point I am already flirting with "out of my area of expertise")
Kaia: What is the internet?
Me: Ummm...well...its a large network of computers that are connected together. You can send things back and forth, like emails or pictures. 
Kaia: But HOW does the computer sent it? There is not room for that picture in the cord. 
Me: Yes, right. It is sent digitally. Electronically. (As if she will "get" this. I know, I am totally doing awesome here...very "kid friendly" explanation.)
Kaia:What is digitally? 
Me: Its basically just like magic. You press a few buttons and POOF! Off your pictures go into the internet and end up somewhere else, like the store. 
Kaia: Oh, okay. I get it now. 

Clearly, someone else will need to explain technology to our children.

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