Friday, August 7, 2015

Summer 2015: Remodeling, Swimming, and Gum

The Summer of 2015 will be officially known for three major things: The Big Remodel, Swimming, and Gum. Please let me explain. First, as you may or may not have already heard we are taking on a remodel project at our home. It currently looks like this:
And the living room looks like this:

So, obviously we are doing this: our apartment home for the summer. The kids have adjusted fairly well, because well, they like to swim. Like EVERY. DAY. and on most days, TWICE. Connor calls it our hotel. I would agree that it is sort-of hotel like, except for the lack of room service.

However, there was one week that our framer got hung up on another job and was running a few days late. We hated to see the project just sit at a stand still, so we hired a few extra day laborers. I really hope they were bonded & insured.

Lastly, the Gum. I finally decided that the girls were old enough to try chewing gum, which they have been asking about for some time now. As it turns out chewing gum is an Activity. All. By. Itself. What do I mean by this? Well, sometimes I ask the kids in the morning things like, "What shall we do today?" and they get really excited and scream "Chew gum!" Umm, well yes, I THINK we can fit that into our schedule today. Then Grandma sent the kids $2 in the mail & I took them to the dollar store. They each picked out 1 toy, and 1 of (get ready for it...) THEIR VERY OWN PACK OF GUM. Its like their most prized possession of all time. So, next time you are bored and you just can't think of anything to do, please let me recommend the fun, rather long, but exciting activity of chewing gum. You just might get addicted, like the Cunningham Kids.

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