Friday, February 13, 2009

Man's best friend, baby's best friend??

For all of you who know our beloved (and well let's be honest...hyper!) 3-year old Boston Terrier, Daisy, this post will most definitely surprise you. Daisy and Connor are BFF's (aka Best Friends). Daisy is most definitely Connor's favorite entertainment, and shockingly Daisy is starting to become fond of Connor. She's been caught sleeping in his room, bringing him toys to play with her, and definitely trying to get some kisses in (which usually consist of quick licks right into Connor's open, drooling mouth when his parents aren't looking). Connor has been chasing her around the house since he could army crawl and laughing at her ever since he could laugh. In fact, we have no idea exactly what is so funny about Daisy, but Connor thinks she is H.I.L.A.R.I.O.U.S. We have successfully trained Daisy to keep away from Connor's toys, but have yet to figure out how to keep HIM away from Daisy's toys. So, we usually resort to the ole' standby - plugging up his open mouth with a pacifier when ever he gets within reach of one of hers. For those of you who have ever played tug-o-war with Daisy, you know that she is quite the competitor. However, (again shocking news!) she is really quite gentle when Connor tugs at the other end. Sometimes we don't know how we would keep this child (who doesn't sleep much...) entertained all day without her!! For those new parents or soon-to-be parents out there, forget the expensive toys, gadgets, and what-nots...get yourself a dog!


  1. I hope this link works if you copy and paste. Too perfect to pass up!


  2. Love the Beaver gear!
