Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Pack Leader

Connor has been a bit bossy to Daisy lately: "Dayde IT" (sit) "Dayde Tay" (stay) "No, no no Dayde" etc. I guess he has been watching too much of the Dog Whisperer. Here is our new pack leader in action:
"Here we go best friend. Let's walk over here...Oh, you want to go over here...? Now, don't get too carried away.
I only have 28 pounds to hold you back.
Here, best friend. Let's play with this ball instead. Oh. You aren't that interested?
Well, at least smile for the camera, Daisy.
Dood Gera Dayde! (Good Girl Daisy)"


  1. I love how Dayde looks THRILLED to be on the end of the leash held by Connor. Hopefully all the snacks Connor feeds her make up for times like these. :)

  2. Oh wow.... best smiling Dayde pic ever!! She like her new boss :).
