Friday, April 23, 2010

Against my better judgement...

Sometimes when it is raining/wet outside and Connor & I are alone with not much going on, I occasionally make bad life decisions. For example, I decided it looked like a great day to go ahead and let Connor play in the sink with some of his bath toys. Notice the forethought of taking off his shirt & providing him with a bib. (Surely this will save his outfit & contain the splashing)...
After a few minutes, I realized that this "playing" would not really be taking place IN the sink as much as AROUND the sink, so I had to make some arrangements (i.e. the large bath towel). A few minutes later, I realized that what I really needed was a TARP. Before long, Connor had poured an entire 8oz cup of water down his front side. By this time the bad decisions were adding up, so I just gave in, took off his tiny bib and let him get completely soaking wet.

This later required one full load of laundry, but it did occupy the guy for almost one entire hour! When not moping up large spills, or getting more towels, I think I managed to flip through five whole pages of my Glamour magazine:)


  1. That's funny!


  2. Have never used the term 'lol'... BUT, I did do so when I read about the 8oz Connor dumped on himself.
    Bad life decision make for the best posts :)

  3. I completely support your "bad" decisions, Connor looks like he is having a GREAT time!


  4. I support the decision, too! Connor is lucky to have a mom that will let him explore and make messes...Sienna is not so lucky. I guess that's what her dad is for. :0)
