Thursday, January 13, 2011

TV Addict

Connor has been a bit of a TV addict lately. He is actually only allowed to watch 1 hour of TV per day. However, he asks repeatedly to watch it ALL. THE. TIME. Instead of one long hour show, we usually let him watch multiple 15 or 20 min episodes. Some of his favs include Sesame Street (still), Handy Manny (who can fix anything like Daddy), and Tow Maters Tall Tales. At Christmas he was also a big fan of Frosty the Snow Man and Charlie Brown. Basically any type of TV is totally AWESOME to Connor.

The other night Connor's Aunt Erica & Uncle Troy were asking him, "What have you been doing, Connor?" To which he replied, "Watching TV!!" (as if this is basically all he does in a typical day). *Sigh* I just can't wait until he tells this to his future preschool teacher.


  1. Oh be VERY affraid of what kids tell their teachers! I'm not looking forward to being on the other side of those stories. ;)

  2. Lauren tells her teachers all kind of silly things, but you have to evaluate the source!
    She told her teachers she was going to Mexico months after we returned!
