Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Fire Station

In case you have never taken 10+ two year olds to the fire station to check out the big rigs, here's a taste of what's in store. For starters, there is literally NO WAY they will all pose for a picture at the same time. Our child would not even go into the picture area without his mom.
Connor did love "Lucy Ladder" and "Pat Pumper" but not enough to actually climb inside. I think what he really liked the best was the sticker at the end and the plastic fireman's hat.

Maybe we should teach him some Fire Marshal Bill lines? Umm...on second thought, that doesn't seem very age appropriate.


  1. Oh man! That's a fun but CRAZY time for sure! I've been with 22 three year olds, but two year olds? No thank you! It looks like Connor loved it!

    So funny that you are right next to my friend Wyatt. It is such a small world!
