Sunday, November 6, 2011

Night Light

As Casey was putting Connor down to sleep for the night the following conversation took place:

Connor: I fink I need you to leave that light on.
Connor's Dad: No, its too bright. Don't you think it will be hard to sleep when it is so light in here?
Connor: I fink it is harder to sleep when it is so dark in here.

And thus, Connor's sad parents who have been making him sleep in the scary, scary, deep, dark bedroom all these years decided to purchase him a new night light. So far, Connor thinks that the new night light is "not that light" and could use a few more watts. However, it is light enough, apparently, to guide his little feet right out of his room whenever he wants to get up. 15 minutes into his nap...light enough to see him out. 7:00am...also light enough for him to get up and get on with his life, without any real notice (such as a call out) except a tiny squeak of the door opening.


  1. Sienna has been mentioning that she thinks it is too dark also. However, we only have blinds in her new room so it is MUCH lighter than when we had the blackout shades, curtains, AND blinds in her last room. I'm wondering if it is a phase they go through.

    Good luck. Hopefully he will reduce the amount of wandering out of the room. :)

  2. Oh silly Connor! Too cute. Lauren also insists on a light in her room.
