Sunday, December 4, 2011

Zoo Lights

As is one of our favorite traditions, Connor and I headed out for a night at the Oregon Zoo Lights & met cousin Sophia. We were very thankful that it wasn't 5 degrees out like a few years ago, so Connor was actually able to walk around in his clothes/bundle this time. However, we were unprepared for the weekend crowds, and made some bad parking decisions* on our way there. But once inside the lights were just as spectacular as ever...especially for the people who were approximately 3. Connor was so excited to see the lights and show his cuz everything he saw. "Look, Sophia! A Monkey! Over there!" (Pointing frantically as if she doesn't have eyes of her own). He was also really big on holding her hand, although she wasn't really into it so much. Here's the duo with Connor's "natural" camera smile that he has superbly perfected.

* Note to self: Do NOT. EVER. go to Zoo Lights on a weekend again. It took us almost 1 hour to park. If the zoo lot says "Full" do NOT go to shuttle parking. It will not turn out well unless you enjoy standing behind 400 other people in the freezing cold waiting for the lone school bus that "shuttles" people to the a snail pace through the same traffic that everyone else is sitting in. Finding an "illegal" parking spot at the actual zoo is a much, MUCH better idea.


  1. Looks like Connor and Sophia had a great time!!! Wish we could have made it this year. :( Looking for holiday lights in Texas to start a new tradition.

    P.S. I LOVE Connor's "natural" smile!

  2. Ha! natural smile = awesome. Thanks for coming. And you're welcome for the illegal parking 'tip' :).
