Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Shared Bath

To be perfectly honest, giving three small children their weekly baths (yes, that's right I said WEEKLY) is about the last thing on my priority list. Well, maybe cleaning my house, then giving baths. I once admitted to my group of mom-friends that I only give baths about 1x per week. Although they are usually the kind, relaxed, supportive type of friends, they were seriously appalled...and let me know. Apparently said mom group collectively believes that children need a daily bath or AT. MINIMUM every other day. Seriously? I mean why do children need so many baths anyway? Their skin is perfect, smooth, and easily cleaned with a wipee. In fact they pretty much get a "bath" multiple times each day with a couple wipees. How much more could a tub of water actually help? Its not like they have stinky arm pits and greasy hair or anything. Up until a few days ago, we were giving individual baths. This always occurred when two adults were home. Even with two adults there were always screamers who were waiting their turn and/or were not dried/dressed fast enough. 

Alas! We found a new solution...the shared bath. Now that the babes are old enough to sit well on their own they can just climb right into the big tub. Its really a win-win for everyone...

 New fun bath toys, lots of splashing, and a lot more fun!

This still takes two very attentive adults, and military precision to get them all out/dressed before all hell breaks loose, but so far there have been no tears. This is more like it. Maybe I COULD give baths every day? Nah, I still think that is excessive. Moms of twins don't do anything more than is needed. Trust me. Why didn't the helpful mom-friends suggest this cool shared-bath idea earlier?


  1. Daily baths are soooo overrated. I mean, I rarely have time to shower myself every day. If the kids are happy and healthy, I say bathe them when you have time.

    The kids are growing SO fast! The girls are cute and Connor looks so proud!

    Miss you friend!
