Thursday, March 8, 2012

Talking in Riddles

Who knew that deciphering riddles was part of raising a three-year old? Apparently it is when you are Growing Up Cunningham. It is Connor's latest hobby...

Connor: I fink I am getting hungry.
Me: Oh really? What would you like to eat?
Connor: I'm finking about something that is not messy.
Me: (At this point, I know exactly what he wants, because this particular riddle has been played out...but I usually play along for the fun of it.). Okay. How about a banana?
Connor: Umm, no kanks. I'm finking of something that I can reach, but I can't open.
Me: Like a box of raisins?
Connor: No, more like a z-bar.

Me: Connor, how was school?
Connor: Pretty good.
Me: Who did you play with today?
Connor: Its not those two people who like each other.
Me: (totally confused) So, not Kylee & Caitlin?
Connor: No.
Me: Was it Parker?
Connor: No, one who had to sit in that one chair.
Me: Okay, this narrows it down. Was it Max?
Connor: No.
Me: Braden?
Connor: No. Its someone who is a new friend.
Me: Oh, Jake (a new addition to Connor's class.)...Obviously this method of communication does not result in gaining a lot of insight about his day at school.

And one of my all time favs, in the car on the way home from a play-date:
Connor: Mama, are you finking what I am finking?
Me: I doubt it. What are you thinking?
Connor: I just thought that you were finking that when we get home I could watch a SHOW!
Me: Nope, that was not what I was thinking:)


  1. Kevin and I are cracking up! Connor is too funnny!! xo

  2. I'm finking of someone who is cute, adorable, smart, and funny. Know who it is? NO, not me, silly...CONNOR! ;)
