Monday, May 7, 2012


Any M.O.M. (Mom of Multiples...I know creative right? I didn't make it up.) knows that you can't hardly venture out of the house without a holgillion people making all sort of comments about your kids. There are always the world's most obvious questions..."Are they twins?" Ummm, no. One is two years older than the other. "Are they maternal?" Yes, they definitely have a mother. Well, and a father too actually. "Do they ever cry at the same time?" Of course not. They know better. etc. etc. etc. 

Then of course there are the squeals of joy perfect strangers make when they see twins. Once someone actually asked me if she could take a picture of my twins. Is that a serious request? REALLY?  Most of the time I am a really friendly and polite M.O.M. and I patiently answer the stranger's questions and thank them politely for their kind words about how cute/wonderful/joyful my children are. However, there are moments when I just don't feel like it. It is at these times that I have extreme sympathy for real bonafide celebrities. Seriously, it gets old. Trust me. During such moods I usually choose to shop indoors with my dark black sunglasses on. People still squeal behind my back and make comments that I CAN STILL HEAR, but the difference is that they don't actually address me or expect any type of response. A few times I have taken just one babe out and about and I was actually surprised that NO. ONE. NOTICED. US. Not a single comment from a stranger or even an extra glance our way. It was so so nice.
Tonight we experienced another first. We took the whole fam out for a walk around the neighborhood. Twins in the double stroller (usually a give-a-way for squealing, comments, and ohhs and ahhhs), big bro in his super cool shades, and Daisy by our side. We passed a middle aged man and his wife riding bikes. The guy says, "What a cute Boston!" as they passed. As in Daisy. Our dog. For some reason this was hilarious to Casey & I. We decided that some people are just "dog people." Thank goodness or else Daisy's self-esteem would be greatly suffering. 


  1. If you think about it, dogs are a lot like babies and toddlers.


    Is there really a difference between dog people and normal people??

  2. Well, you DO have incredibly cute is hard not to notice a M.O.M. Good luck, my friend!

  3. You are HILARIOUS!!! Love this post & glad to hear Dais-dog is still getting some attention. She really is a cute boston after all.
