Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Family Photos

We attempted to get some family photos this spring. I had no hopes of perfection, and would have been completely happy if our photographer was able to just get us all in the same shot in any fashion. Seriously, I have trouble just getting the children to remain In. The. Same. Room. It literally took us all morning to get ready, as in from 7am until noon. This is not because we were leisurely sipping coffee and watching cartoons. Usually my children have food stuck in their hair, bed head, and berry stains all over their faces and clothes (in retrospect I should have posted a before and after pic). They needed some serious work to look this good/clean. However, we (barely) managed to pull it together, and our photographer was fab! (Thanks Aunt Erica:) Check it out..


*Note: In case your are identical-twin-challenged, Kaia is in the pink dress with the smiling-so-hard-my-eyes-are-closed-look (gotta love that kind of enthusiasm); Ashlyn is in white, eating the flower, climbing out of the moving wagon...


  1. OMG! These pictures are amazing!!!! Erica did a fantastic job! The kids are so cute!

  2. So many great pictures! I love the one of connor w/ his sisters... so precious.
