Tuesday, September 4, 2012


As you may remember, Connor's first word was "Day-de" our beloved sixth family member. Although not the "Sweets" first word, it was definitely one of the first five. They have given it their own pronunciation twist, "Day-yea" usually sort of screamed in a high pitch manner like they are calling her to come pronto. Now they also will bark to her, which she does not seem to appreciate, but tolerates (because she has no choice, really).

This past weekend, on our way home from a family picnic at a park, Ashlyn started crying. Now, we are no strangers to some car-ride crying, but Casey (in the passenger seat) turned around and asked Ashlyn, "What is wrong? What do you want?" Ashlyn's reply, "Day-yea! Day-yea!" Then both of the Sweets start barking in unison. ALL. THE. WAY. HOME. I mean..when you know what you want, you know what you want, and the girl wanted her dog.

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