Monday, August 27, 2012

Our "Sweets"

Connor has a new nickname for Kaia & Ashlyn: "Sweets." Used in a sentence, "Oh, my Sweets look so cute today!" So endearing, really. Well, except for the fact that all these cute nicknames are due to the fact that he still cannot tell them apart. So much for trying to give each of them their own individual identity. Recently I overhead him telling someone, "I have two sisters who are EXACTLY the same!" Well, that's not quite true, actually. For now, we are just glad that he still likes them and thinks they are sweet.


  1. Connor is a sweet big brother. I'm sure he will be able to tell them apart eventually. It is pretty tricky for an adult, let alone a preschooler.

    Oh, and the sweets are adorable!!!

  2. Love the nickname! So cute! The twins are REALLY hard to tell apart. It used to crack me up when you would question whether they're truly "identical". THEY SO ARE!
