Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Little Wolves

We've got ourselves a Little Wolf this year! They have been practicing hard getting ready for opening day! By "practicing hard" I mean learning that baseball is more than just digging in the dirt. Their coach has whipped them into shape, because he is a super serious sports type (A.K.A. Connor's Dad).

Connor at bat with Coach:  "Load it & Explode it!"

Connor in the Black Batting Helmet

Heading Home #8!

This is Connor's "ready for the ball" pose.
 At the end of each 1-hour practice & game, the coach secretly confides that coaching eleven 4 & 5 year olds is an E.X.H.A.U.S.T.I.N.G job. I cheerfully remind him every time that it is a good thing he is not a kindergarten teacher. Although one parent asked me if he was. I guess that means she thought he had some good behavior management skills. Way to go Coach!


  1. Emma & I love watching the little wolves (& coach) in action!

  2. Fun experience for all! Connor looks like a pro! :)
