Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Meet & Greet Your Kindergarten Teacher Day

I decided that this little gem of a conversation from "Meet & Greet Your Kindergarten Teacher" day was worth reporting.

Connor to his new teacher: Hi. I'm Connor. (said so quietly that you basically had to read lips).
Teacher: Oh, great. I am so happy to meet you and have you in class, Connor! Now, are you Connor C. or Connor M.?
Connor (using his best disgruntled/confused face): No I am not those. I am just Connor Ray. 
Teacher looks at me confused, because she is sure that she does not have a Connor Ray on her roster.
Me: That is his middle name. 
Teacher puts her hand to her heart & her arm around Connor because she thinks this is just the cutest thing.

Later I had to explain that sometimes people use initials instead of their actual whole long name. Connor has NEVER heard of this before now, he tells me.  He is a tiny bit disgruntled at me for a short moment, because I have clearly not prepared him well for "Meet & Greet Your Kindergarten Teacher" day.

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