Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Two is Right for a Quiet Talk

Tonight we read the girls Sandra Boynton's "One Two Three." Just to set the scene for you, my dear friends in the blog-o-sphere, it goes a little something like this:

"One is nice for a quiet walk.
Two is right for a quiet talk.
Three is nice for having tea, or for counting one, two, three.
And when you want to go explore, the number you should have is four.
{....you get the idea all the way up to 10. Then...}
One is wonderful after the crowd."

So, I ask the girls: "Do you ever just like to be just one."
They both answer immediately: "NO!"
I say, "You don't ever wish you could be alone?"
Ashlyn answers first, "No. Two. I like to be two."
Kaia agrees, "I like to be two too."
Me: "Good because such is your life."

They don't get much alone time & I often wonder if this bothers them. Apparently not:)


  1. They are just the most precious two ever!

  2. We love that book, and I LOVE the pic of those two!!! ADORABLE!
