Monday, October 21, 2013


Check out Connor's latest sport. There are many elements to the game, apparently. 
First, we have Ready Position A:
 And also, Ready Position B:
Then comes a lot of chasing after the ball...
 If chasing after it doesn't really work, there is also the screaming strategy too:

Oh, and just a little break to smile at the crowd...

...and make sure all his fans are watching!
This particular fan looks a little concerned. It does get pretty intense out there! 
 Since they play 3 on 3, there is inevitably some bench time. Clearly not the most exciting part.
 And back in the game. New strategy: try to intimidate the opposing players.

 I can't really say if that strategy worked or not, but boy did it make our soccer player tired! WHEW!
 Ahhh, and a little water break towards the end of the game.
I bet you had no idea how much was involved in 5 year old soccer! 
Believe me, it is not for the faint of heart.


  1. Love, love, LOVE the intimidation technique!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. These are great pics!!! Looks like Connor is having a blast!
