Saturday, December 7, 2013

A Looth Thooth

Connor lost his first tooth! Although he really wanted to loose it at school (because you get a super special tooth necklace to hold it in & get to share your "tooth story" for the whole class) it just fell out when we was at home....get ready to be shocked...building LEGOS.

The next morning at the bus stop, our neighbor & Connor's classmate noticed right away & asked Connor how much money the tooth fairy left. Connor says, "Oh, I only got a dollar." WHAAAAAAAAT? So, I had to explain that a dollar was a LOT of money for the tooth fairy (and for a 5-year old).

Sheesh. Kids these days.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Such a big milestone! I can always send you a tooth necklace holder for any others that fall out at home. I have a couple extras. Just let me know. ;)
