Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Has it really been 3 years since this...??!!
 On their Birthday morning, the girls woke nice and early to a few presents. A new birthday dress from Mom & Dad, and a new "journal" from their big brother.

 The Journaling was taken very seriously, clearly. Although I later found that someone had "journaled" all over our tile floor, and the foot stool. Possibly still too young to have free range of a pencil 24/7...?


Of course, much confusion was had about when the actual party would take place. Since the real birthday was on a Monday, this clearly would not be the party day. However, they kept asking "When will our cousins get here?" So, we had to create a little count-down, play some "practice" party games (ya know, just to make sure they will be fun ones), eat some birthday cake, etc. 
Ashlyn (left ) & Kaia
Our little three-year olds also got their very first (homemade) pedicure! They could not have been more thrilled. Except for the continued thrill the next morning, when they woke up..."Look! Our toes are STILL painted, Mom!" So exciting. If  you are three. And kinda if you are 34 too.

They love to sing to themselves as well. In fact, it was probably their favorite birthday activity. Cheers to being three, our little entertainers!


  1. Happy birthday K & A! Looking forward to the celebration!!

  2. The girls are SO sweet! I'm glad they and a fun day. Can't wait to see pics of their party! :)
