Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Summer Swimming!

The girls have been excited for MONTHS about taking swimming lessons. They have had to watch Connor in the pool & sit out on the side for far too long. Finally, this summer they were old enough to take lessons all on their own & they were thrilled. Until they found out that swimming involves putting their WHOLE head under water. Apparently I didn't really clarify that part specifically. Oops.
They were no longer thrilled, but Kaia & Ashlyn did both participate in all of the head-out-of-the-water-activities...

 This summer Connor learned to swim about 10+ ft "alligator" style, and about the same distance on his back. Here he is almost submerged but still floating. Barely. Connor is a bit of a sinker in the pool, like his dad.
Here's an after swimming shot. Those Cunningham kids 
really know how to lounge around after a tough day in the pool!

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