Thursday, October 9, 2014

Connor's Surprise

The other day Connor raced in after school and shut himself in his room for a good 20-30 minutes. Normally I might have been concerned, but the girls & I were outside riding bikes, so I basically figured he was building Legos (what he does EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.)

Then he came outside to announce that his room was "Closed" for the rest of the day. Here's how it went down:

Me: Why is your room "Closed?"
Connor: Well, I made you and Dad a surprise. Its in there & you have to wait until he gets home to see it. 
Me: Cool. 
Connor: I already made a "closed" sign on my door in case you forget. 
Me: Great. I really hope I don't forget.
Connor: Do you want to guess what it is?
Connor: No, Mom. (annoyed)
Me: Ummmm....a new puppy!!??
Connor (laughs): Totally not. 
Me: New Coat?
Connor: NO!! (He's floored because my guesses are SO WILD.)
Me: It is....ahhhh....I know! Its a new ipad?!
Connor: MOM! Do you know that I CAN'T DRIVE?! Its nothing from the store at all. 
Me: Okay. Did you make me some brownies?
Connor: N.O. Mom - I can not use the oven without an adult...don't you already know that?
Me: Okay. I give up. Nothing that requires driving. Nothing that requires baking. Can you give me another hint?
Connor: Think of something that I CAN make. With stuff we already have. 
Me: Is it a Lego surprise?
Connor: How did you guess that so FAST?
Me: I'm just that good.

1 comment:

  1. Awwww, he's so sweet to want to "surprise" you guys! Love him!
