Friday, September 18, 2009

Connor's First Haircut

...Well that is, only if you count trimming the FEW hairs around his ears an actual hair cut. Connor is not blessed with an abundance of hair, but about 20 hairs had started to grow too long, so we decided to give it the 'ole home-trim-job. Here's the before pic:

Now before you judge the quality of said hair cut, please remember that Connor does not EVER. SIT. STILL. It was pretty much the most dangerous thing I have ever done with scissors. One ear turned out quite well, and the other...well let's just all remember Great Grandpa Ray's saying. "What is the difference between a good hair cut and a bad one? About 2 weeks." Too bad Connor has a birthday party to attend tomorrow. Connor, I promise this will not be the only time your mama will embarrass you. Cheers!


  1. He's even more handsome! And just think, you won't be able to tell if there are a few hairs that are longer or shorter once he's eating and getting it all over:)

  2. Very handsome, for sure!

    erica and troy
