Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The problem with the "Blate"

Connor has been eating out of his new toddler "blate" (Which of course is a cross between a bowl & a plate, kinda like a spork). The only problem, is that Connor cannot get ALL the food out of the blate. Since Connor REALLY likes to eat everything on his blate, he must take drastic measures to get it all out:

The only way for Connor and I to survive a meal with the blate and keep the same outfits on would be to wear a hazmat-type suit/bib to keep ourselves clean. Unfortunately they don't make this kind of bib that I am aware of, so we usually just repeatedly change clothes all day long...or just roll with the fashion statement of wearing our (by "our" I mean Connor's) breakfast.

1 comment:

  1. Oh the blate...such a cool invention! I do know that IKEA has a jacket type bib that Cousin Asher has...he's a messy eater and it helps keep the clothes fairly clean!
