Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Entertainer

Connor adores his little cousin Sophia (aka "Baby"). Today he tried to show her all his tricks and toys to entertain her. First we have the bucket-doubles-as-a-hat-while-blindly-spinning-until-he-falls trick. Sophia wasn't really paying attention to that one...So, then he brought out a few toys for her to play with. First he tried the balloon. Then, he acted as if he had a bright idea & ran into his room. He came out with his "aquarium" and played it for her. I think these toys were a bit more entertaining than his bucket trick.
Connor is also usually the first one to hear Baby when she wakes up from a nap. He'll grab my hand and point to the bedroom & say "Baby?" Hey, maybe if Connor could just learn to change a diaper he could get a little brother or sister!


  1. I'll teach Connor to change a diaper...
    GAME ON! :)

  2. Connor is such a great babysitter-helper!

  3. Good luck with the diaper changing...if you can figure it out, let me know. I'd love Sienna to learn that trick! :0)
