Saturday, December 19, 2009


What is more fun than sledding down a hill?
Being pulled all around in your little sled-seat, without getting up once. Not even to walk UP the hill. Connor has an awesome life.
His parents, on the other hand, are sore & exhausted this evening!

It was a bit rainy, but Connor was a trooper. (Mostly because his Mama made sure there were no air-leaks in his outfit.) LOVED the snow. LOVED his sled. LOVED watching his parents "eat-it" at the bottom of the sledding run. LOVED sledding down some little hills (and occasionally medium ones when his Dad was in charge). LOVED making snow balls with cousins Scottie & Janeen. Loved, loved, LOVED watching Cooper & Dodger play in the snow (Scott & Janeen's children...the golden retrievers)!


  1. AWESOME! Such a fun family activity. I want to get pulled around all day, too!

  2. Love the family pic- and the iron grip M has on connor :).
