Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Eve

In the chaos of Christmas Eve at our house, we barely got any actual posed pics, but have a few action shots to share with our faithful readers/fans. (Be sure to check out Connor's handsome, but sleeves-rolled-up-cool Christmas outfit.) First, Connor eagerly awaiting our guests...

The gifts came in truckloads...and the wrapping paper filled our living room (for at least 3 days). Here's Connor playing tee-ball with Uncle Will, sweeping, opening his new truck and bowling with Cousin Scottie.

Connor also scored a stuffed "Daisy" dog, whom he loves
and usually has barking at the real Daisy Dog. Daisy seems confused. more presents to open?

Last but not least, here's one last action shot of Connor opening a train set from Santa in the morning. Whew! Santa & our family has been good to us!


  1. Looks like he scored some pretty cool stuff! Sienna has the same cleaning set. "I'm sweeping Sam!", "You missed a spot". Oh man, that thing is annoying. I try to turn it off, but she turns it right back on!

  2. Love the first cute!
