Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Scott & Janeen were brave enough to host almost 20 people at their house this year for our big family Thanksgiving...and even arranged 1 table for us all:
 Connor had a fab time as usual. His favorite activities: doing Scott & Janeen's alphabet puzzle, feeding the dogs their dinner one kibble at a time (sorry dogs!), and getting buried in couch pillows.
In Connor's usual form he ate mostly pie for dinner, with a side of a roll or two. Good thing Thanksgiving only comes once a year. Sheesh!


  1. Wow, go scott & janeen! Looks like a fun Thanksgiving feast!

  2. Wow! Looks like a fun time! Connor has a great way to spend Thanksgiving...I think I'll try getting burried in pillows next year!

    Can't wait to see you to on Sunday!

  3. How fun! Connor is very cute covered in pillows!
