Thursday, November 4, 2010


We decided that Connor would be a "Monster Max Truck Driver" this year since he's obsessed and all. However, he got a bit confused. He started telling people he was going to be a Dump Truck Driver. And well...that costume is different entirely. One thing that he did not get confused was how to get some candy. Loud and clear at each house we went to Connor said "Trick or Treat!" Here's the gang getting some loot. Cat in the Hat was a great attention getter, which rivaled the cute small people in costumes:)

Apparently Cousin Lauren is already into her candy at the moment...

1 comment:

  1. Scottie!!!! That is hilarious!!! Everyone looks great. You guys should've trick or treated at our place. We ended up w/ a house full. Annie, Kev, Katie, Daniel, & kiddos all ended up hanging out here. Kids traded candy w/ each other & handed out candy to our trick or treaters while adults hung out & watched the world series game... Go Giants, btw. :)
