Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Great Idea!

Connor's latest funny phrase, "That sounds like a great idea!" This usually makes an appearance when I suggest that he might want to play the ipad, or watch a TV show. However, letting Connor "wash" the dishes (which pretty much entails playing in the water in the sink), baking brownies, and playing a new rhyming game also has recently received this same response. Occasionally Connor will tell me, "I have a great idea!" As it turns out, sometimes they are pretty great, and other times not so much. For example, the other night in the pouring rain, Connor tells me he "has a great idea" that entails us going for a walk, with his stroller, in the rain. NOT. GOING. TO. HAPPEN. Of course at this point I am challenged to come up with an even GREATER idea so he will forget his original great one. I am beginning to feel like this kid will be able to outsmart me any day now.

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