Sunday, April 17, 2011

Its FINALLY Spring...

It has been raining here for many, many days. Maybe hundreds, I have literally lost count. So, today when the sun finally came out, Connor had to get outdoors. Since the grass was still a tiny bit wet and the ground a teensy bit mushy, I insisted he wear his rubber boots. I thought this would surely save his pant legs from getting wet & muddy. Silly, silly me! First I found him laying in the grass, then rolling around. By the time I got my camera he was just sitting on the damp lawn, like this was a perfectly normal activity on the first real day of spring in a mushy yard.
In case you can't tell, his elephant watering can has found a fishing pole (stick) and is fishing for fish in our yard. But Connor told me that he didn't catch any, because there weren't any fish in our yard. Thanks for that shocking news flash.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for sun...we have been soaking it up too. LOve the fishing pole idea... Connor can borrow SBS's pink princess pole if that would be helpful to find fish in the yard :)
