Thursday, April 21, 2011

Like Father, Like Son: Chapter 4

Casey almost immediately changes out of his work clothes when he gets home each day. This after work "uniform" consists of athletic shorts and a t-shirt almost every day (unless it is below freezing in which case substitute the shorts for fleece pants). And, seriously, who can blame him? Well tonight Connor disappeared into his room for about 5 minutes & came out with some new shorts of his own on. I honestly didn't even know that he knew those new shorts were in his drawer. Then Connor says something to the effect of "Do you like my new shorts like Daddy's?" So, like all parents, his dad & I start saying things like, "Oh, isn't that so funny/cute/adorable etc." Then we find out the whole story:

Connor: "Mama, can I have a wipee?"
Me: "What for?"
Connor: "To clean up the pee-pee on the floor."

As it turns out, it was no longer the cutest thing we had ever seen. However, the kid did change himself, and attempt to clean up his own mess. Props for that my son!