Friday, April 20, 2012

Back to the Beach

After nearly one year, we finally decided we were ready to take our much larger family on an overnight outing to Grandma's and the beach. We barked at the sea lions, ran in the waves, explored Grandma's house, played with cousins, and ate lots of good food. FYI, the Pacific is still quite cold in April. However, that didn't stop us and didn't even slow down our three-year-old or our four-legged kid. I might have guessed that jumping waves would have been the highlight of the trip...

However, after all was said and done, I asked Connor what his favorite part actually was. His reply, "Sleeping in the same room as my sisters!" (Yes, all three fit into one bedroom with two cribs and a bunk bed.) I wasn't exactly sure if very much sleeping would take place, but as it turns out it far as we know.


  1. Such a sweet big brother. I esp love his I'm at the freezing cold beach camera face!

  2. The pics of Casey and Connor are great! Sounds like a very fun trip. Glad to hear that they all slept well in the same room...who would've thought, right?!?!
