Friday, April 13, 2012


Dear Blog-o-sphere,
Have you ever dyed raw Easter eggs before they were boiled? I have! I will blame it on the fact that Connor insisted we start dying them immediately after getting up last Saturday. I wasn't exactly doing anything else (except still waking up and try to find a moment to drink my extra large cup-o-coffee), so I obliged. I just whipped the carton right out of the refrigerator and helped Connor begin dipping. It was all said and done in about 15 minutes, and I thought, "Well, that turned out to be easy and fast. Whew!" A few moments later Casey asked, "Whoa, how did you get those eggs boiled so fast?" Ummm...WHAT? Boiled? Well, err....I don't think we should actually HIDE these ones. They can be just for looking at.  

Later, on Easter, that sneaky Easter Bunny hid ALL of Connor's eggs and surprises around our house. He just left a note in each basket... Apparently this is SUPER FUN for a three year old:) In fact it was so fun, he helped his sisters find theirs too, and then was ready to hide everything again...and again.
Connor's natural camera smile while counting all his eggs and emptying them of the candy.

Happy Easter from the 11 month old "Jack-in-the-boxes"!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Friend! I LOVE that you forgot to boil them...such a great story! I almost did the same thing but luckily for me, Zach was home and boiled the eggs.

    Btw, I also LOVE Connor's natural smile! Sienna has one of those, too! It comes and goes.

    Those girls of yours are getting so big! Can't believe they are almost a year old!
