Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Boss and His Helpers

With all the hot weather this summer, Connor's favorite "toy" is our garden hose. If I don't find something productive for him to do with it, then the rest of us end up getting soaked... by surprise. Best idea yet: "Car" wash. So far, Connor has washed his 4-wheeler, lawn mover, rocking-dog, and many other toys and whatnot's:
 He loves all the soap in the bucket, and so do his helpers. 
Actually, the suds and water is the best part, really.
 Connor can be a bit of a slave driver, though. I told him his sisters wanted to help. Anytime one of his helpers got distracted, he would yell, "Come on helpers, let's get back to work!" (Bossing them around is his favorite activity...well maybe second to soaking them with a hose.)
 I guess its okay, however, if the boss gets a bit distracted playing with the foot-bath:

1 comment:

  1. OMG, I LOVE it! Such a great idea!!! We might have to try something like that when the water restriction is lifted. Thanks for sharing the cute pics of the kids. Can't wait to see you all in a few weeks! :)
