Friday, October 12, 2012

Preschool Field Trip Day!

The night before the big field trip to the pumpkin farm, Connor got out his class pictures (a sheet with every child's picture & name, so we can learn his classmates) and proceeded to show me who would be going to the farm in the morning. Then he guessed what kind of pumpkin each would pick out. "Adrian will pick a BIG one & so will Braden. I think Kylee will just get a little teeny tiny one. I'm going to get one that is THIS big (shows me)." Etc, etc. 
(His ideas were a bit sexist I think, but I let it go. For now. )

 Here's our pictures at the Farm:
Digging for potatoes

Just running around with the buds!

Hay bail maze
Uh-Oh! The kids are cheating the maze...

We took a hay ride (Connor's favorite part) out to the pumpkin patch 
& picked out a favorite pumpkin.
So lucky to get to go on a beautiful Fall day!
Happy harvest time Blog-o-sphere!

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