Saturday, January 18, 2014

Christmas 2013

We had a great Christmas this year! We traveled to Grandma & Grandpa's house, played with cousins, ate lots of food, you know...the usual. As long as I can remember we have opened our family gifts on Christmas Eve. Just can't stand the excitement of waiting until Christmas day, I guess. 

Since the kids get gifts from all of our extended family, Christmas gift opening is quite the ordeal. There are stacks and stacks of gifts, children tearing paper, dogs, parents, Grandparents, etc. It a small miracle that no one gets lost in the paper, really.  Here's some shots of the action.

 Then we spend the rest of the evening and Christmas day enjoying them! Here are some ultra competitive Lego Maniacs having a friendly lego-building competition. Apparently the rules were that if you are not 5 years old, you had to build without instructions. I think the 5 year old might have won. None of the competitors would be willing to confirm the final results, though.

The girls were pretty excited about their Minnie Mouse dress up sets!

Here's the gang!
 And the best news of all was that Santa found us at Grandmas. Phew!

The excitement over the Santa gifts...kills me. Just kills me. (Probably because it was about 6am. I think that I can tell that by looking at my face. SO not a morning person.)
And last but not least, we will leave you with this wish from the Cunninghams for 2014:

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