Saturday, January 18, 2014

More Bike Riding

How's the bike riding going? Well, thanks so much for asking. It had turned into an obsession, really. There has been a lot of improvement since the early days. Connor has been on two wheels for a while, and the girls really ARE speed racers. Here's an update in case you like to see with your own eyes. 
 We ride bikes every day. And by every day, I mean EVERY. DAY. We ride rain or shine. In coats, and sunglasses. Once we rode in pajamas & rubber boots. Anything goes.

We ride in sleet or snow. Once we even rode for a very short bit on an icy street. There is no stopping these die-hard riders.

They would ride them on a boat. They would ride them with a goat.
They would ride them in the rain, in the dark, and on a train.
In a car, and in a tree...anywhere they could, you see. 
In a house, in a box. With a Mouse, with a fox.
They will ride them here or there...they will ride them ANYWHERE!